Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society

Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. Histological analysis by H&E staining (first row, 2×; second row, 10×; third row, 40×) on rat tibia bone fractures at day-90 post-operation shows that the fractured tibia bone in the rats without treatment healed much slower than the other three groups. The fractured bone in the rats with met-IP injection healed much better than the wound only. Met-IP injection inhibited the cell migration induced by frHMGB1 local injection, and improved bone fracture healing. Met-IP: metformin IP; frHMGB1: fully reduced high mobility group box 1. Reused from the article of Cain et al. (paper presented at: the IFFAS 2024)6) with original copyright holder’s permission.
J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2024;28:81-6
© 2024 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc