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A Radiographic Analysis of the Feet in Heel Pain
J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. 2005;9:9-12
Published online June 1, 2005
© 2005 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc.

Moon, Hyung-Tae;Moon, Jeong-Seok;Lee, Woo-Chun

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Purpose: This study is to compare the medial longitudinal arch between heel pain group and normal painless group. Materials and Methods: Heel pain group 242 feet and normal group 140 feet were evaluated through the radiographic images of standing foot-ankle lateral view. Four radiographic indices, talo-1stmetatarsal angle (TMA), calcaneal-1st metatarsal angle (CMA), calcaneal pitch angle (CPA), and arch ratio (AR), were used as well as BMI. Results: There was no difference between heel pain group and normal group in the TMA, CMA, CPA, and AR. But in the BMI, heel pain group showed $1.7;kg/m^2$ 수식 이미지 (p=0.0002) higher than normal group. To eliminate the sexual error, male and female were evaluated separately. Male heel pain group showed 2.9 degrees more dorsiflexion (p=0.001) in the TMA, 3.1 degrees greater (p=0.007) in the CMA, 0.01 lower (p=0.028) in the AR, and $1.0;kg/m^2$ 수식 이미지 greater (p=0.033) in the BMI than normal male group. There were no difference in the CPA. Female heel pain group showed 3.6 degree greater (p=0.035) in the CMA, and $1.9;kg/m^2$ 수식 이미지 greater (p=0.002) in the BMI than normal female group. But other indices demonstrated no differences. Conclusion: talo-$1^{st}$ 수식 이미지 metatarsal angle, calcaneal-$1^{st}$ 수식 이미지 metatarsal angle and arch ratio were radiographic indices related with heel pain.
Keywords : Heel pain; Radiographic index; BMI

September 2024, 28 (3)